Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Bluetooth Hearing Aids: Bringing 21st Century Communication ToThe Hearing Impaired
By David FaulknerWhen Bluetooth technology was introduced, it changed theInformation Age for good. Thanks to Bluetooth technology,information that once had to flow over vast networks of wiresto get to its destination can now get there wire-free. Bluetooth is as close to magic as scientifically basedtechnology is allowed to be. And the smallest Bluetooth device currently available, theBluetooth Ear Level Instrument, has been designed to transformtraditional behind the ear hearing aids into Bluetooth hearingaids, so that the hearing impaired can enjoy crystal clearmobile phone transmissions. The Bluetooth hearing aids alsoallow their users wireless access to MP3s, computers, and HighDefinition Televisions, so that they can have their hands freeto perform other tasks while they are using those items. How Bluetooth Hearing Aids Work The ELI fastens to the direct audio input connection on behindthe ear hearing aids, and with its microphone transmitter andreceiver �converses� wirelessly with the BTEs, turning theminto Bluetooth hearing aids capable of communicating with anyBluetooth- enabled device. The ELI Bluetooth hearing aids are very simple to operate; theyhave one button with which users can either connect to or rejectincoming calls, without having to touch their cell phones. Thedigital technology incorporated in the ELI enabled Bluetoothhearing aids means their audio transmissions occur with none ofthe buzzing and distortion which often affects cellphone-to-hearing aid reception. Bluetooth hearing aidreception has a �right in the room� quality. Bluetooth Hearing Aid Modules The latest advance in ELI Technology allows cell phones to ringdirectly in the Bluetooth hearing aids, through a module throughwhich the call is channeled. The hearing aid wearer just hits abutton on the module to answer and can hang up the same way. Themodule can also sense when the person on the other end hangs upand disconnect. For more info seehttp://www.firsthearingaids.com/hearingloss/bone_conduction_hearing_aids.htmlon conduction hearing aids. Even hearing aids without direct audio input can utilize themodule Bluetooth Hearing aid technology by means of a neck loopwhich connects to the hearing aid�s telecoil. The Modules cantransmit effectively from as far away as 33 feet. ELIs and ELI modules run off their own rechargeable batterysystems and do not utilize any energy from the BTE hearingaids. The ELI module uses lithium battery which offers two andone-half hours of active talk time and completely recharges inone and one-half hours. A fully charged battery can remain onstandby for up to 140 hours before a new charge is required. ELIs and ELI modules, by transforming BTE hearing aids intoBluetooth hearing aids, have brought 21st century wirelesstechnology to the hearing impaired!About the Author: You can also find more info onhttp://www.firsthearingaids.com/hearingloss/baby_boomers_hearing_loss.htmlon suffer hearing loss andhttp://www.firsthearingaids.com/hearingloss/behind_the_ear_hearing_aids.htmlon ear hearing.Source: http://www.isnare.com
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
How To Get Rid Of Your Cellulite Problem
By Marie WatkinsIf you asked a group of women to write a list of their problemsyou would probably find cellulite located somewhere towards thetop. This is how extreme a cellulite problem can be for manywomen. Anyone can have cellulite. Size doesnt seem to come into it.There are skinny people with cellulite and large people withoutit. Whether you have cellulite seems to come down to genetics. Cellulite is caused by groups of fat cells pushing againstsurrounding fibrous connective tissues. This is why your skintakes on a dimpled appearance and you appear to have cottagecheese style lumps of fat under the skin. Although you cannot stop cellulite from developing, there areways to improve the appearance of your skin. 1. Exercise. Lets start with the worst option for most people exercise.Yes, exercise requires effort and perseverance on your part.But when you see the results it can give you, all that hardwork will have been worth it. Cellulite exercises consist of interval and weight training.Interval training is the kind of exercise that starts from slowto higher exertion. This kind of training can be done at leasttwice a week. Weight training should include leg presses,lunges and squats. Take note that this should be a part of yourregular routine. By exercising, you not only convert unwanted fats into energy,you also improve the circulation of blood inside your body. 2. Healthy diet. Shifting to a healthy diet can help get rid of cellulite.Instead of junk foods and foods high in saturated fats andrefines carbohydrates, opt for vegetables, fish, grains andfruits and drink plenty of pure water to flush out the toxins. Also it pays to avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks as thesewill only serve to dehydrate your body and can worsen theappearance of cellulite. Diet can not cure cellulite, however, it can help to improveskin elasticity and vibrancy. 3. Cellulite creams and lotions. Cosmetic industries have already come up with differentproducts that cater especially to people looking to reducecellulite. You will find an abundance of cellulite lotions andcreams in your favorite store. Prices vary depending on the product type. You can check outsome of the products that are for sale and decide which onewill suit you the most. Keep in mind that these are not apermanent cure and will usually require prolonged use to makeany difference. If you have a sensitive skin, it is better toconsult a dermatologist first. He or she is the person that cantell you which product will react well to the type of skin thatyou have. 4. Liposuction and other medical procedures. If you want to get rid of cellulite quickly, you can opt to gounder the knife. Liposuction is one of the most famous methodsof fat removal. Other procedures include laser celluliteremoval. These methods tend to be expensive and again wont offer atotal cure. So it is important to think long and hard beforedeciding on whether these methods of removing cellulite are foryou. Worrying about a cellulite problem is common for a lot ofwomen, however it is something that we can have little controlover. What we can control is our diet and exercise. Maintaininga healthy weight and exercising will minimize cellulite and isthe cheapest method available.About the Author: Sign up for Marie Watkins' free BanishingCellulite newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implementmethods to help you discover more about Cellulite Problem athttp://www.banishcellulitenow.com/?source=isSource: http://www.isnare.com
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