Saturday, April 21, 2007

What In The World Is Detox Ionithermie?

Detox treatments are all the rage these days. We're not talkingabout your basic drug and alcohol detox programs here, but bodydetox methods that are geared to clean out everything from yourintestines to helping you lose weight and ridding your body ofall the evil toxins you've been storing there for years. Onekind of detoxification method that's not too common in theUnited States, yet, is called detox Ionithermie. A Frenchmannamed Olivier Fouche, a biochemist, developed the method in thelate 1970s. His detox Ionithermie was considered all the rage inEurope at that time, and began to be used as a substitute toliposuction. The main goal of detox Ionithermie is to removecellulite from the body. Still very popular in Europe, clientshave continued to claim the benefits of detox Ionithermiesystem, stating that it takes off inches, increases firmness toskin and improves skin and muscle tone throughout the body. Fansof detox Ionithermie also claim that it can and does improvecirculation to certain areas of the body when blood flow islimited, and therefore also offers hydrating benefits as well.Others take a detox Ionithermie treatment to rid the body oftoxins and to rejuvenate minerals and balance hormones withinthe body.While detox Ionithermie is not nearly so popular within theUnited States, some spas do offer the treatment, and if you'recurious, why not give detox Ionithermie a try? The treatmentcan take about an hour and cost anywhere from about $60 to $90depending on location. A massage therapist generally measures aclient in about a half dozen places, after which you are thenasked to lie down in a terry wrap on a common massage table.The areas to the body that are going to be worked on arebrushed with a skin brush. Be advised that a detox Ionithermietreatment is not your typical massage! A detox Ionithermietreatment is more like a vigorous workout. A mixture of variousingredients that are unique to every masseuse is then applied tothe skin areas to be worked on. The ingredients are meant toimprove circulation and break down fatty deposits, therebyreleasing the unwanted toxins from the body.Electrodes are then placed at targeted areas, such as abs,stomach, arms, hips, and thighs. Then, a layer of fabric iswrapped around the body and electrically conductive clay isthen slathered over the body surface. The electrode pads arethen placed on a strategic point. What results in a detoxIonithermie treatment are involuntary muscle contractionsdesigned to improve tone and to release toxins from deep withinmuscle tissues. The skin will warm as the clay mixture begins toharden. The therapist controls the strength of the electricalimpulses, but be advised that this sensation can be quiteunpleasant to some people. The end result is like having justbeen through a vigorous workout with the workout. The musclesmay tingle and twitch for a while after a detox Ionithermietreatment, but it's not painful, and a detox Ionithermietreatment can be quite an experience for someone who's neverhad one.About The Author: Intrigued by detox ionithermie? Find out moreabout detox ionithermie and if it's right for you at