Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Bluetooth Hearing Aids: Bringing 21st Century Communication ToThe Hearing Impaired
By David FaulknerWhen Bluetooth technology was introduced, it changed theInformation Age for good. Thanks to Bluetooth technology,information that once had to flow over vast networks of wiresto get to its destination can now get there wire-free. Bluetooth is as close to magic as scientifically basedtechnology is allowed to be. And the smallest Bluetooth device currently available, theBluetooth Ear Level Instrument, has been designed to transformtraditional behind the ear hearing aids into Bluetooth hearingaids, so that the hearing impaired can enjoy crystal clearmobile phone transmissions. The Bluetooth hearing aids alsoallow their users wireless access to MP3s, computers, and HighDefinition Televisions, so that they can have their hands freeto perform other tasks while they are using those items. How Bluetooth Hearing Aids Work The ELI fastens to the direct audio input connection on behindthe ear hearing aids, and with its microphone transmitter andreceiver �converses� wirelessly with the BTEs, turning theminto Bluetooth hearing aids capable of communicating with anyBluetooth- enabled device. The ELI Bluetooth hearing aids are very simple to operate; theyhave one button with which users can either connect to or rejectincoming calls, without having to touch their cell phones. Thedigital technology incorporated in the ELI enabled Bluetoothhearing aids means their audio transmissions occur with none ofthe buzzing and distortion which often affects cellphone-to-hearing aid reception. Bluetooth hearing aidreception has a �right in the room� quality. Bluetooth Hearing Aid Modules The latest advance in ELI Technology allows cell phones to ringdirectly in the Bluetooth hearing aids, through a module throughwhich the call is channeled. The hearing aid wearer just hits abutton on the module to answer and can hang up the same way. Themodule can also sense when the person on the other end hangs upand disconnect. For more info seehttp://www.firsthearingaids.com/hearingloss/bone_conduction_hearing_aids.htmlon conduction hearing aids. Even hearing aids without direct audio input can utilize themodule Bluetooth Hearing aid technology by means of a neck loopwhich connects to the hearing aid�s telecoil. The Modules cantransmit effectively from as far away as 33 feet. ELIs and ELI modules run off their own rechargeable batterysystems and do not utilize any energy from the BTE hearingaids. The ELI module uses lithium battery which offers two andone-half hours of active talk time and completely recharges inone and one-half hours. A fully charged battery can remain onstandby for up to 140 hours before a new charge is required. ELIs and ELI modules, by transforming BTE hearing aids intoBluetooth hearing aids, have brought 21st century wirelesstechnology to the hearing impaired!About the Author: You can also find more info onhttp://www.firsthearingaids.com/hearingloss/baby_boomers_hearing_loss.htmlon suffer hearing loss andhttp://www.firsthearingaids.com/hearingloss/behind_the_ear_hearing_aids.htmlon ear hearing.Source: http://www.isnare.com
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
How To Get Rid Of Your Cellulite Problem
By Marie WatkinsIf you asked a group of women to write a list of their problemsyou would probably find cellulite located somewhere towards thetop. This is how extreme a cellulite problem can be for manywomen. Anyone can have cellulite. Size doesnt seem to come into it.There are skinny people with cellulite and large people withoutit. Whether you have cellulite seems to come down to genetics. Cellulite is caused by groups of fat cells pushing againstsurrounding fibrous connective tissues. This is why your skintakes on a dimpled appearance and you appear to have cottagecheese style lumps of fat under the skin. Although you cannot stop cellulite from developing, there areways to improve the appearance of your skin. 1. Exercise. Lets start with the worst option for most people exercise.Yes, exercise requires effort and perseverance on your part.But when you see the results it can give you, all that hardwork will have been worth it. Cellulite exercises consist of interval and weight training.Interval training is the kind of exercise that starts from slowto higher exertion. This kind of training can be done at leasttwice a week. Weight training should include leg presses,lunges and squats. Take note that this should be a part of yourregular routine. By exercising, you not only convert unwanted fats into energy,you also improve the circulation of blood inside your body. 2. Healthy diet. Shifting to a healthy diet can help get rid of cellulite.Instead of junk foods and foods high in saturated fats andrefines carbohydrates, opt for vegetables, fish, grains andfruits and drink plenty of pure water to flush out the toxins. Also it pays to avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks as thesewill only serve to dehydrate your body and can worsen theappearance of cellulite. Diet can not cure cellulite, however, it can help to improveskin elasticity and vibrancy. 3. Cellulite creams and lotions. Cosmetic industries have already come up with differentproducts that cater especially to people looking to reducecellulite. You will find an abundance of cellulite lotions andcreams in your favorite store. Prices vary depending on the product type. You can check outsome of the products that are for sale and decide which onewill suit you the most. Keep in mind that these are not apermanent cure and will usually require prolonged use to makeany difference. If you have a sensitive skin, it is better toconsult a dermatologist first. He or she is the person that cantell you which product will react well to the type of skin thatyou have. 4. Liposuction and other medical procedures. If you want to get rid of cellulite quickly, you can opt to gounder the knife. Liposuction is one of the most famous methodsof fat removal. Other procedures include laser celluliteremoval. These methods tend to be expensive and again wont offer atotal cure. So it is important to think long and hard beforedeciding on whether these methods of removing cellulite are foryou. Worrying about a cellulite problem is common for a lot ofwomen, however it is something that we can have little controlover. What we can control is our diet and exercise. Maintaininga healthy weight and exercising will minimize cellulite and isthe cheapest method available.About the Author: Sign up for Marie Watkins' free BanishingCellulite newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implementmethods to help you discover more about Cellulite Problem athttp://www.banishcellulitenow.com/?source=isSource: http://www.isnare.com
Monday, June 25, 2007
Four Easy Ways To Learn Yoga
There are many ways to learn yoga; classes, video, and eventhrough fitness programs on TV. There are now many resources onthe Internet as well as local stores, where you can pick upinformation and instructional material on many websites. Here are a few of the most popular methods: Classes: You can find classes by browsing online, checking withyour local public schools or colleges or in your local yellowpages. Taking a class is usually the best way to begin. You canlearn the basics from a professional instructor and thencontinue on at home at your own pace. A formal yoga class willusually be in a group setting. There are advantages anddisadvantages in a group setting. One advantage is the sense ofcomradeship that you will enjoy, doing the exercises together.Another advantage is being able to personally get help on aone-on one basis from the instructor. The disadvantage mightbe that when you first begin, you may have difficulty inkeeping up with the group activities. Video: Once you have learned the basics, videos are a good wayto go. You have the advantage of verbal and visual instruction.You can move at your own pace, schedule your exercise at yourconvenience and it can be a relaxing way to perfect your yogapractice. TV: This will work like a video except these lessons areusually free. You can usually find a yoga program on specialtyethnic channels, cable and public TV. Check your local listingsfor times and program. Books: It is always advisable to get a few good books aboutanything you are involved with. The more knowledge you haveabout a subject, the better you can understand your yogapractice and why doing things a certain way is important. Witha discipline like Yoga it is good to know as much as you can tounderstand the purpose of the exercises that you are doing. There are a number of ways that you can learn more about yogaand be able to better practice the positions. The practice ofyoga will affect you not just mentally but physically as well.When you learn and understand yoga you will get far morebenefits from it and really improve your health.About The Author: Deborah Carraro is an avid nutrition, health& fitness enthusiast. As VP Operations for a successfulNatural Health business she has worked with the best fitness &health experts. Visit her online athttp://www.YogaForOptimalHealth.com
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Hoodia And The Quest For Easy Weight Loss
As each new day passes by, there seem to be more and more weight loss methods being developed by various health experts, fitness experts, and nutritionists, especially in referance to diets and exercise equipment. Wherever we look around the world, there are unique offerings and weight loss products, such as slimming teas, pills, diet books, electronic weight loss machines, and many more. The innovations do not stop there, researchers seem to continue to look for ways to improve weight loss methods.One of the discoveries that work with weight loss is what is known as Hoodia. This is a revolutionized diet pill that effectively kills your appetite so that you do not have to search for food at odd times during the day. Hoodia not only does this, it also gives you a warm and positive feeling about yourself (good mood) as well as seemingly limitless energy to get you through the day.What is Hoodia?In simple terms, Hoodia is a plant usually found in South Africa and some neighboring countries (like Angola) in which the indigenous people of these locations use for treating minor ailments such as indigestion. Some of the indigenous people also use this as a way to fight hunger pangs, even for days, without any noticeable side effect. Hoodia (scientific term Hoodia Gordonii), once discovered by Westerners, wanted this incredible plant with the purpose of transforming it into a weight-loss diet pill.Hoodia, being a mostly, if not totally, organic pill, has a lot of benefits with little to no ill effects. It works by sending your brain, specifically the hypothalamus, various signals that you are full, although in reality, this is not the case. Even if you have not eaten yet and you take in Hoodia, there is the feeling of being full and not wanting food. This plant is seemingly a wonder plant because not only does it provide you with the ability to feel full, but it also works as some form of energy food, since it gives you a boost. It is said to give the African tribesmen, who take it, enough energy to hunt throughout the day, despite the heat and the effort associated with hunting. Don't think that because it is night time, it means that the effects have worn off, they still have energy to perform whatever evening chores they have to.There are no known side effects of this plant, however, common sense would tell us that our body still needs the proper amount of food and water. If you take in too much of Hoodia, or use it as a replacement for food, then your body will not get the proper nutrition it requires, which will lead to ailments and illnesses ultimately. Hoodia should be used as a supplement, mostly to prevent you from eating excess food (or during snack time), not as a means to prevent yourself from eating totally.Best Hoodia productsDue to the discovery of the Hoodia plant and its wonders, various manufacturers have innovated diet pills that feature this plant. In choosing which brand to buy, there are two things to look out for. First make sure it is 100% Hoodia, meaning it is organic and does not have any artificial add-ons, and, it should come from Hoodia Gordonii plant. Without these two factors, it is probably a fake or inferior Hoodia which do not offer the full benefits of the real one.Hoodia has been researched and proven to be beneficial in weight loss. It is gaining popularity since it provides benefits without any side effects. Try using Hoodia to combat your weight problems.Patricia has been interested in weight loss & fitness since the early 70's and knows the difference between hype & fact. For daily dieting & fitness information please visit: http://www.The-Weightloss-Guide.com/blog
Monday, May 21, 2007
Green Tea For Weight Loss And Lower Cholesterol
Green Tea For Weight Loss And Lower CholesterolCopyright (c) 2007 Marcus StoutGolden Moon Teahttp://www.GoldenMoonTea.comHigh cholesterol is one of the leading precursors to heartdisease. And, research has shown that our diet and lifestyle,combined with our genetics determines whether we have healthy orunhealthy cholesterol levels. To keep your cholesterol levels incheck and prevent heart disease, there are several measures youcan take.The first is diet. Cholesterol in food comes from animalproducts. Meat, eggs and dairy products are all culprits. Reducethe amount of red meat you consume, replacing it with fish orchicken. Use low fat dairy products and reduce the number of eggyolks you eat, or use egg substitutes. Increase the amount offresh fruits and vegetables in your diet and eat whole grainsrather than refined products like white flour.The second is exercise. Be certain to get at least 30 minutes ofexercise most days of the week. This will help you shed pounds ifyou need to, and will also help lower your serum cholesterol.Walking is a very good way to help get your daily dose ofexercise.In addition to making lifestyle and diet changes, many peopletake supplements to help control their weight and cholesterollevels. There are many supplements available, but one of the bestis something you likely have in your cupboard right now. It'stea - particularly green tea.Asian cultures have consumed green tea in large quantities forcenturies. And, throughout history they have had fewer problemswith obesity and lower incidences of heart disease and many formsof cancer. Scientists are beginning to find a link between thishigh green tea consumption and better health. Much research hasbeen performed on the ability of green tea to slow down the agingprocess and prevent illness.The magic potion in tea seems to be its anti-oxidants.Anti-oxidants, which are also found in fruits and vegetables,wine, cocoa and coffee, fight our bodies' free radicals. Freeradicals are created as a by product of our digestive process.Free radicals, left unchecked, damage our cells and DNA, leadingto aging and disease.But, anti-oxidants combat anti-oxidants before they can hurt ourbodies. This is why it's so important to have anti-oxidants aspart of your every day diet. All tea contains anti-oxidants, butgreen tea retains more of its anti-oxidants in their original,natural state because it goes through less processing than othertypes of tea.In particular, green tea's anti-oxidants have been shown to beeffective at reducing cholesterol levels and helping with weightloss. Tea prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol into plaque,the hard substance that clogs our arteries, making us moresusceptible to heart attacks and strokes.Studies have suggested that even if your LDL cholesterol level ishigh, drinking tea may prevent it from causing a problem. Tea isalso thought to have an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps theheart in its overall function.In addition, green tea seems to have the ability to help patientslose weight. For overweight patients, losing weight usually meansan automatic reduction in cholesterol levels. So, tea has a twofold effect for overweight patients with high cholesterol!In terms of weight loss, it appears that the combination of theanti-oxidants in green tea and the caffeine speeds up themetabolism and promotes the oxidation of fat. Both of theseattributes contribute to weight loss.In recent years, there have been several studies on green tea'sability to speed weight loss. One of the most interesting studieswas conducted by Osaka University in Japan.This study evaluated 98 men and 97 women, between the ages of 22and 65. All subjects were healthy, though some were moderatelyoverweight. The participants were divided into 3 groups. Thefirst group received a placebo drink, the second group a greentea drink with a low dose of tea catechins (anti-oxidants) andthe third group a green tea drink with a high dose of teacatechins.The study was conducted over a 12 week period, during which timeparticipants consumed their study beverage three times a day (atmeals). At the end of the twelve week period, participants whoreceived the green tea beverages had lost weight and reducedtheir body fat and BMI, unlike the group who consumed the placebodrink. The group with the higher dosage of tea catechins reportedmore success than the low dose group.This study concludes the way countless others have in recentyears: with the suggestion, at least, that drinking green tea canhelp you lose weight. And, losing weight can help you lower yourcholesterol. In addition, other studies have shown that green teamay help lower cholesterol levels even in subjects who did notlose weight.So, drinking green tea may provide double the results for thosepatients seeking to lose weight and lower cholesterol levels.Adding green tea to your diet, along with making dietary changesand getting the recommended amount of exercise each week may beall you need to get your cholesterol and your weight undercontrol. http://jhs.pharm.or.jp/51(2)/51_161.pdf -----------------------------------------------------Marcus Stout is President of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, (http://www.goldenmoontea.com/greentea) green tea (http://www.goldenmoontea.com/blacktea) and black tea go to http://www.goldenmoontea.com
Monday, May 7, 2007
What's The Right Number When It Comes To An
As we are bombarded daily by the latest and greatest diet fadand a constant barrage of weight loss-focused media we areoften left hazy and confused about the definition of healthyeating. Carbs; no carbs; the right carbs; low fat; good fat;bad fat; trans fat; high protein; no white sugar. The list goeson and on. It's no wonder that it's so difficult to navigatethese tricky waters of healthy eating. But if you pare down the extraneous information and look behindthe fads to find the facts, you'll see that a healthy diet has abeauty that lies in simplicity. Essentially, a healthy, effective diet that will ensure you alifetime of vitality encompasses the intake of the propercombination of nutrients. Protein in particular plays asignificant role in the production of healthy cells. Expertsagree that the total amount of protein that should be ingestedon a daily basis settles somewhere around 20%. However the specific amount of protein you ingest also dependson your particular body type, weight, gender, and level ofphysical activity. Someone who is physically active andinvested in building muscle mass must consume a greater amountof protein than the average person. There are several dietary sources from which to receive theappropriate amount of protein. Lean meats, dairy, nuts andseeds, and many leafy green vegetables provide an excellentsource of protein. For vegetarians, soy, dairy, and vegetable product consumptionshould be increased to ensure the appropriate amount ofprotein. If you are unsure as to the specific amount of protein that youshould consume, it may be best to visit with your doctor or alicensed nutritionist. A medical professional will be able toguide in the best direction for dietary health. Additionally, there are a great number of comprehensive bookswritten to help navigate the complexities of healthy eating.You'll be able to get a firm idea of the amount of protein youshould ingest by pouring over these books. Online resourcesalso exist to help you get started on your dietary journey. Youwill also have access to a vast community of others who arecommitted to healthy eating; the support can be enormouslygratifying. The amount of protein you should consume is like any otherdietary recommendation. It's a starting point - a guide - tohelp you determine what is best for your particular body. Usinginformation resources, along with the help of a medicalprofessional if needed, you'll be well on your way to betterhealth.About The Author: For easy to understand, in depth informationabout the right amount of protein visit our ezGuide 2http://nutrition.ezguide2.com
Saturday, April 21, 2007
What In The World Is Detox Ionithermie?
Detox treatments are all the rage these days. We're not talkingabout your basic drug and alcohol detox programs here, but bodydetox methods that are geared to clean out everything from yourintestines to helping you lose weight and ridding your body ofall the evil toxins you've been storing there for years. Onekind of detoxification method that's not too common in theUnited States, yet, is called detox Ionithermie. A Frenchmannamed Olivier Fouche, a biochemist, developed the method in thelate 1970s. His detox Ionithermie was considered all the rage inEurope at that time, and began to be used as a substitute toliposuction. The main goal of detox Ionithermie is to removecellulite from the body. Still very popular in Europe, clientshave continued to claim the benefits of detox Ionithermiesystem, stating that it takes off inches, increases firmness toskin and improves skin and muscle tone throughout the body. Fansof detox Ionithermie also claim that it can and does improvecirculation to certain areas of the body when blood flow islimited, and therefore also offers hydrating benefits as well.Others take a detox Ionithermie treatment to rid the body oftoxins and to rejuvenate minerals and balance hormones withinthe body.While detox Ionithermie is not nearly so popular within theUnited States, some spas do offer the treatment, and if you'recurious, why not give detox Ionithermie a try? The treatmentcan take about an hour and cost anywhere from about $60 to $90depending on location. A massage therapist generally measures aclient in about a half dozen places, after which you are thenasked to lie down in a terry wrap on a common massage table.The areas to the body that are going to be worked on arebrushed with a skin brush. Be advised that a detox Ionithermietreatment is not your typical massage! A detox Ionithermietreatment is more like a vigorous workout. A mixture of variousingredients that are unique to every masseuse is then applied tothe skin areas to be worked on. The ingredients are meant toimprove circulation and break down fatty deposits, therebyreleasing the unwanted toxins from the body.Electrodes are then placed at targeted areas, such as abs,stomach, arms, hips, and thighs. Then, a layer of fabric iswrapped around the body and electrically conductive clay isthen slathered over the body surface. The electrode pads arethen placed on a strategic point. What results in a detoxIonithermie treatment are involuntary muscle contractionsdesigned to improve tone and to release toxins from deep withinmuscle tissues. The skin will warm as the clay mixture begins toharden. The therapist controls the strength of the electricalimpulses, but be advised that this sensation can be quiteunpleasant to some people. The end result is like having justbeen through a vigorous workout with the workout. The musclesmay tingle and twitch for a while after a detox Ionithermietreatment, but it's not painful, and a detox Ionithermietreatment can be quite an experience for someone who's neverhad one.About The Author: Intrigued by detox ionithermie? Find out moreabout detox ionithermie and if it's right for you athttp://DetoxRevealed.com/detoxionithermie.html.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Ten Tips To Reduce Stress And Lose Belly Fat
No matter what your age or circumstances, stress is aninevitable part of everyone's life and ongoing stress actuallycontributes to gaining weight. Elissa Epel, PhD and assistantprofessor in the psychiatry department at the University ofCalifornia, states, "While the immediate...response to acutestress can be a temporary loss of appetite, more and more weare coming to recognize that for some people, chronic stresscan be tied to an increase in appetite - and stress-inducedweight gain."Short term stressful situations, such as anxiety, excitement orfear, cause an adrenaline rush that temporarily burns fat.However, long term stress increases the level of the hormonecortisol in our bodies, causing the body to store excess fat.Most of this extra fat is stored in your belly and hips exactly where you don't want it.Although several products claim to reduce cortisol, there is nomedical evidence to substantiate those claims. A proven way tominimize cortisol levels in your body and eliminate excess fatis by reducing your stress. There are many additional benefitsof stress reduction, such as lowered blood pressure andincreased mental health.Here are several simple ways to de-stress for maximum physicaland emotional fitness:1. Eat at least 4-6 small, well-balanced meals each day toproperly maintain the sugar levels in your body and ensure youare getting all the essential vitamins and minerals you need.2. Drink at least six to eight glasses of water every day toflush the toxins out of your system.3. Exercise for twenty to thirty minutes three to five timeseach week. Choose a physical activity you enjoy, such asbiking, weight lifting or walking, because getting pleasurefrom your exercise routine will also help minimize stress.4. Avoid foods with sugar and caffeine that offer a false senseof energy.5. Avoid alcohol, which has an impact on the sugar levels inyour body.6. Get plenty of sleep every night because when you are tired,you tend to feel more hungry.7. Engage in activities designed to help you relax, such asyoga or meditation.8. Watch less television - statistics show that up to ninetypercent of people who watch television an hour or more each dayfail at their weight loss goals.9. Avoid crash diets which could increase your stress level andactually cause the production of additional cortisol,alleviating any potential weight loss you may have been able toexperience.10. When you feel really hungry, choose whole-grain, high-fiberfoods, like oatmeal and fruit, which keep insulin levels even tocontrol blood sugar and your hunger.By reducing the stress in your life, you can get rid of excessfat and emotional baggage at the same time!About The Author: Ryan Cote is the owner ofhttp://WeightLoss-Programs-Reviewed.com, a website that reviewsthe top 4 best weight loss programs & plans.http://www.weightloss-programs-reviewed.com
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